Urgent! ACT NOW to Protect North Atlantic Right Whale
Image courtesy of the Marine Mammal Commisssion
It appears that there is a very real chance that a significant number of the remaining (approx.350) critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale are about to be directly affected by the the start of the Canadian Lobster fishing season this week.
'Thirty to fifty of the world’s remaining North Atlantic right whales are in mortal danger. Lobster season has begun in the Bay of Fundy, and the whales which have usually left the area by this time of year are in grave danger of becoming ensnared in fishing gear and dying.'
- Defenders of Wildlife
Please use the link below immediately to send a message to the Canadian government to postpone the start of the lobster season for long enough for the whales to leave the fishery area in the Bay of Fundy.
Message supplied by Defenders of Wildlife, please add your name and address then cut and paste to Canadian Minister of Fisheries, Loyola Hearn -
Dear Minister,
As a supporter of Defenders of Wildlife and someone who cares about protecting endangered whales, I am writing to urge you to delay the opening of the Canadian lobster season in the Bay of Fundy in order to protect the highly endangered North Atlantic right whale.
As of early November, scientists reported that there were between 30 and 50 highly endangered right whales still present in these Canadian fishing grounds.
Fishing gear entanglements is the second-leading cause of death of right whales. And, with only an estimated 350 North Atlantic right whales left on the planet, the species simply cannot bear the risk of the fishery opening on top of such a significant percentage of the population.
While we recognize that a delay may impose some short-term hardship for fishermen, failing to delay the season for a reasonable amount of time until the whales have left may be fatal to some of the last remaining right whales on earth.
Because so few right whales are left, the loss of even one animal would contribute significantly to the risk of extinction for the entire species. Please act now to help protect them from Canadian lobster gear we can't afford delay.
Yours respectfully,
At Wednesday, November 22, 2006,
Lamna nasus said…
Thanks to everyone who sent an email.
'Even though our whale watching season is over we are getting reports and sightings of many whales very close to home. As our owner and captain John Eldridge was returning from hauling one of our boats out for the winter they decided to do a small survey and see see if they could confirm some possible sightings of right whales between Blacks and Beaver Harbour. They did more than confirm, they reported about 12 right whales in a small 3 mile area and all within a mile from shore. Above is a photo taken by John, note that the whale is missing it's right fluke tip.
Also posted today on the Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies (PCCS) Entanglement Updates website there was a right whale that was entrapped and released on November 5th from a fishing weir in Deadmans Harbour (between Blacks and Beaver Harbour). The picture below was taken by the Campobello Rescue Team, and please note that the date on the photo is incorrect. Mackie Greene, head of Campobello Whale Rescue was called and with the help of divers, local fisherman, researchers on Grand Manan, DFO and advice from the PCCS disentanglement team the right whale was released unharmed. The whale that was entrapped was reported to be missing it's right fluke tip so it may have been the same right whale that John spotted on November 3rd in that area. Mackie Greene reported atleast 30-50 right whales on November 5th, that's just incredible as this part of the Bay of Fundy is not a known right whale habitat.'
- Danielle, Quoddy Link Marine.
Here are some sites with local information on the North Atlantic Right Whales in the Bay of Fundy -
At Tuesday, January 02, 2007,
Lamna nasus said…
The North Atlantic Right Whales finally left the Bay of Fundy around the 26th November to head south for the winter.
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